
Day ticket
Full price
8 €
Reduced price
Terms and conditions below
6 €

Family ticket
For 4 visitors
2 adults
Above 25 years old
2 young people
From 18 to 25 years old with justification or photo I.D
24 €
Come as often as you like with the annual pass!

Aboretum Annual pass
1 year unlimited access to the Arboretum
Full price
17 €
Reduced price
Terms and conditions below
12 €

Muséum Annual pass
Full rate
Above 13 years old
Reduced price
Young people between 3 and 12 years old on presentation of a valid document
Unlimited access to the zoo, galleries, museum, greenhouses and gardens of the Muséum
- Musée de l'Homme (Museum of Mankind)
- Ménagerie, the zoo of the Jardin des Plantes
- Grande Galerie de l’Évolution (Gallery of Evolution)*, permanent exhibition
- Galerie Géologie et de Minéralogie (Geology and Mineralogy Gallery)*
- Galerie de Paléontologie et d’Anatomie comparée (Comparative Anatomy and Paleontology Gallery)*
- Grandes Serres (Greenhouses)
- Parc zoologique de Paris (Zoological Park of Paris)
- Arboretum de Versailles-Chèvreloup
* Sites of the Jardin des Plantes (Garden of Plants)
- Reduced-price access to temporaries exhibitions and events of the sites
- A discount of 10% on your purchases in shops of the sites (except for bookshops)
- A discount of 10% on restauration points
- Reduced-price access to the Muséum regional sites opened to the public
- A special newsletter to be informed ahead
- Subscription renewal with profitable price : €10 / €50

Muséum annual pass family ticket
The Muséum Annual Pass access and advantages for 2 adults and 2 young visitors
2 adults
Above 13 years old
2 children
From 3 to 12 years old with justification or photo I.D.
Pricing terms
Reduced price
- EU residents between ages of 18 and 25 with proof of identity.
- Holders of valid Pass Éducation.
- Members of a group of a minimum of 20 persons (excluding school and extra-curricular groups). One free entry for 20 paying visitors.
Free admission
- The first sunday of each month.
- Visitors under 18 with justification or photo I.D.
- Disabled persons and 1 attendant on presentation of a valid MDPH (Maisons Départementales des Personnes Handicapées) card.
- Holders of minimum social benefits (according to the definition of the Ministère des Solidarités et de la Santé), and their dependants mentioned on the certificate, on presentation of a valid certificate and proof of identity with photo.
- Job seekers on presentation of proof.
- Holders of Museum PASS for the current year on presentation of proof of identity with photo.
- Muséum students on presentation of a valid card and proof of identity.
- Valid ICOM/ICOMOS cards for the current year on presentation of identity card with photo.
- Teachers preparing a non-accompanied visit on presentation of school credentials or on an accompanied visit or a workshop on presentation of a reservation.
- French or foreign Journalists on presentation of valid press card.
- Member of armed services with a carte sentinelle.
- 1 attendant for a group of more than 20 persons (driver…).
- Group of interns as part of DIREF training accompanied by a member of Muséum personnel.
Means of payment
Cash, cheque, credit card or mandat administrative (government payment order).