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Fleurs de rhododendron © MNHN - S. Gerbault

Seasonal opening

From April to November

Versailles-Chèvreloup Arboretum welcomes you every year from April to November.

For a comprehensive discovery of the Arboretum, we suggest you come several times during the year to take advantage of successive developments: budding leaves, flowering Japanese cherry trees, and bright colours of the young conifer shoots in April, flowering apple trees and rhododendrons in May, wildflower meadows in June, full foliage in summer, fields covered in colchicum and hawthorn fruit in September, flamboyant autumnal colours of oaks and maples...

Dates and opening times

Collection d'érables japonais, près du Réservoir de Chèvreloup © MNHN - S. Gerbault
Aesculus x carnea Plantierensis © MNHN - S. Gerbault
Frêne élevé (Fraxinus excelsior) centenaire à la Butte aux Chênes © MNHN - S. Gerbault

Useful informations